This year, Canada day falls on a Tuesday, and that also happens to be Louise's work day so it worked out that she would come in today (Monday) instead. A lot of people at work opted to take Monday off as well as Tuesday (for a super-long weekend) so that left Louise a little more bored than usual. Also, it's getting quite nice outside, which means I will probably get her soaked before we go home tonight as I'm sure she is going to overheat.
Monday, June 30, 2008
In the office a day early this week
This year, Canada day falls on a Tuesday, and that also happens to be Louise's work day so it worked out that she would come in today (Monday) instead. A lot of people at work opted to take Monday off as well as Tuesday (for a super-long weekend) so that left Louise a little more bored than usual. Also, it's getting quite nice outside, which means I will probably get her soaked before we go home tonight as I'm sure she is going to overheat.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Smelling the roses
Not really a lot to say here today, I figure the pictures tell the story by themselves.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Meeting Boredom
Today's photo was a rather impromptu shot taken at my desk as a few team members were gathered around discussing work things that didn't seem to keep Louise's attention very well. At this point I'm sure she was waiting for me to ask her if she felt like stepping outside for a bit.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Stairs to the Sea
The tide was low and there is one spot on the sea wall that has stairs down to the beach - Louise generally isn't interested in going too far down as she is unsure of how slippery the rocks could be. Still, she wanted to come down close enough to bark at the boats that were going by, and to smell the ocean, no matter how watered down by the Fraser river it may be.
I happened to get a bunch of good pictures tonight, probably because of the bright lighting - whatever the reason, I decided to put up more than just one or two for this post. You can check out some more of them on my flickr account.
Just when we arrived back at the lobby, we happened across a couple of people with pet parrots. They were kind enough to let me get a couple photographs but honestly the colours of these birds were so bright that they didn't turn out very well. I had to desaturate the photos in order for the colours to appear 'correct'. Again, the photos are posted on flickr.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Seeking refuge in air conditioned offices
Louise doesn't do well in the heat.
She did pretty good on the walk though. We kept to the shady side of the streets and more importantly, the less busy ones that had fewer cars on them. Along the way we met an interesting little Boston Terrier who laid on the sidewalk waiting for Louise to approach. She moved quickly though, so it was not easy to get a good photo.
When we got back to the office, Louise ran straight to the water bowl to cool down. She then proceeded to lay down close to my desk to take a nap. That's when I took the above photo. One thing I found interesting is that last weekend we got her a Pet Blinker to hang from her collar - it's great at night because it makes her more visible. Anyway, I guess it came on when she flaked out, you can see it as the purple-ish glowing thing hanging around her neck. It's a great idea, but the implementation leaves a few things to be desired, namely an on-off switch would have been nice. Currently to turn it off we have to unscrew it a bit, which makes it loose. Still, I think it looks cool. Maybe Deal Extreme will have a cheaper/better version.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Taking Tommy for his first walk
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunsets on Sundays
There was a pretty big festival today on Denman street, and we were down wandering among the crowds. Louise was a big hit with the kids and even managed to get some frozen yogurt from the Doggy Style Cafe. We also got her an LED blinker thing that hangs on her collar. I suppose it is for safety, but really, it is better at attracting even more attention.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hurry up let's go!
From Louise's perspective, things are always interesting because of construction workers who just might be eating lunch.
So here we have a clip of Louise as she says hi to one of the guys on the job. Several times. Just checking to see if he is going to break for lunch now. Because that would be interesting. And Louise would be willing to assist with that, especially the eating part.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Stroller dogs gone wild.
But don't let that stop you from watching the video. What I have filmed is Louise in her stroller during the last block of our walk into the office so you can see what I mean when I say she barks at cars. She finds it all very enjoyable.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Bonus Post: A small guest visits Louise
At one point while Louise was sleeping it off and I was in a meeting, someone took a few photos with my camera. I didn't realize they were there even when I got home and uploaded them.
It was hours later when I went searching for photos to be used in tomorrow's post that I saw these gems.I suppose I could make up an elaborate story about Rock 'n Roll dreams but honestly at the time I think she was opting for unconsciousness over whatever stomach pain she was having.
Later, when Louise and I were coming home, she did get her appetite back and now appears to be quite normal again. I guess the twenty-four hour flu in dog years only lasts about three hours, which would be about right.
Rain does not make dogs Shine
Yesterday was very wet. Normally Vancouver has persistent drizzle, but the rain yesterday was almost movie rain but that did not stop us from going out for a walk. That's when I got these shots. Later, just before bed time, we went out for another walk (that's our normal routine) and once again it started to pour hard.

Louise generally doesn't care about the rain though, it's just weather to her. About the only things that really bother her are excessive heat or excessive cold. In that regard, Vancouver has the perfect climate for her, unlike Vernon, which would often get very uncomfortable for her on both extremes. Be warned, the top photo is actually an animated gif, in the G-Willi style. So if you aren't into that sort of thing, just enjoy the photo as is and don't follow it through to flickr, and especially don't view the large size. You've been warned.
Louise generally doesn't care about the rain though, it's just weather to her. About the only things that really bother her are excessive heat or excessive cold. In that regard, Vancouver has the perfect climate for her, unlike Vernon, which would often get very uncomfortable for her on both extremes. Be warned, the top photo is actually an animated gif, in the G-Willi style. So if you aren't into that sort of thing, just enjoy the photo as is and don't follow it through to flickr, and especially don't view the large size. You've been warned.
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Burgers and Beer
Louise thought so too - the small one on the grill was for her (note it even had a slice of cheese on it.) The colour difference is due to the fact that hers did not have any spices in it, so it is just a plain ground turkey burger. Of course, no burger is complete without a cold drink, so last night the three of us headed over to the local liquor store to pick up some beer.
Now I realize that I'm working backwards here, but the night we got beer, we also happened to have lamb steaks (and beer.) I took this photo shortly after the steaks came off the grill and before we had a chance to sit down and eat them. As you can see by the photo, Louise was monitoring the situation closely and if you look at her eyes, you can see the 'good' and 'evil' thoughts racing through her head as the decision to steal a steak weighed heavily on her mind. I am happy to report that there were no pug fatalities that night - Louise was a good girl and waited until one of us eventually threw her a bone.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Denny's to the rescue
It was raining that night, and that is my umbrella at the top of the photo. Louise was super excited to be inside an actual Denny's store (she walks by it a lot, and we can tell that she likes the smell.) The waitresses were surprised to hear that Louise is as old as she is - they assumed she was still a pup because of her size. When we left, we heard a chorus of 'bye, Louise!' from both of them, which softened the blow of leaving Denny's without actually giving the pug any food.
Maybe next time, if you are lucky, Louise.
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Goofing around with Greg
Yesterday was a lot of fun for Louise. She got to play with Greg and the others at the office, and on this day, Greg had a new video camera to play with. If you aren't a fan of the wiggly gifs that Greg does, then I do not suggest clicking on her photo to see the larger view.
Louise agreed to play with him so long as it did not interfere with her nap schedule.
In addition to wearing silly hats, Louise also was the test pilot for the new video camera. This thing is designed to be water proof, but we didn't get to test that yet. So we did the next best thing - we strapped the camera to her and filmed the office from her point of view. This video is kind of shaky, so clearly there is work to be done on the harness, but we found it entertaining to say the least. Greg cleaned it up a bit, gave it a sound track and now Louise stars in her own video! Hope you enjoy.
Louise agreed to play with him so long as it did not interfere with her nap schedule.
In addition to wearing silly hats, Louise also was the test pilot for the new video camera. This thing is designed to be water proof, but we didn't get to test that yet. So we did the next best thing - we strapped the camera to her and filmed the office from her point of view. This video is kind of shaky, so clearly there is work to be done on the harness, but we found it entertaining to say the least. Greg cleaned it up a bit, gave it a sound track and now Louise stars in her own video! Hope you enjoy.
Monday, June 02, 2008
A new daybed and a healthy dose of attention
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Brighter days
Somehow, I never get tired of rewording constipation symptoms.
Anyway, as of today, Louise seemed to be back to her regular self, wanting to walk at full speed and happy to see just about anybody. We walked to the local Pet Store and the extra attention she got there gave her lots of motivation to keep going. She walked all the way home without assistance, and that's all uphill!
We just got back from her night walk and if I didn't slow her down, I'm sure she would have wanted to walk straight to the seawall and back. We have been careful to not let her overdo it too quickly though, so we settled on a medium-length walk for now.
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