Right now the paw is still frozen, so Louise is in very good spirits. We have a special plastic bag to cover the cast when she goes for a walk, so that we can keep it dry. It has to stay on for at least three days, at which point the vet is going to want to do a re-exam. But as for tonight, the plan is to get her drugged up quickly and just give her the time to heal.
The basic idea was that they operated on the paw and removed the unidentified mass. This involved putting in a couple stitches which will dissolve and also sending the mass off to 'the lab' for further analysis. If all goes well, we will get those results at about the same time they remove the cast.

Also, thanks to Greg for taking these photos of Louise. I misplaced my camera in a friend's car and have yet to retrieve it. Luckily, Greg likes to photograph 'news' as it happens.
So yeah, earlier I was griping. I'm much happier now that I can see she is doing better.