Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sleepy Smile

My wife originally took a picture of me holding Louise, but after passing through Louise's strict editorial process, this is all we have left. Just kidding, of course.

I usually (although not always) upload the picture files to a site called flickr for some free hosting. I find it is actually faster to blog from there, as compared to Blogger. Having said that, I have to edit almost every post from Flickr to get certain details right. Blogger may be a little slower in posting the actual results, but it gives me much more control over every little detail. For example, I usually have to adjust the time stamp on each post from Flickr, and when I do I also have to adjust the font size for the picture caption. At that time I also usually remove the "Uploaded by iTripped" line, since I'm the only one who ever does that.

One thing I really like about Flickr are the stats generated. For example, I uploaded this particular picture, and even before I had filled out the description, over seven people had viewed the picture, and one even left a comment. You can see what I mean by clicking on the picture - it takes you to the flickr page and you can see any comments others have made, etc. I find the stats useful in part because it shows me which pictures get the most attention. I also use Google's Analytics to track stats for the blog, which breaks down who are new vs returning visitors to the site, etc.

What can I say? I like stats.


Sandy said...

I love that picture of her...what a sweet baby.

Anonymous said...

Good design!
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Anonymous said...

Good design!
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Anonymous said...

Great work! |