My guess is that by tomorrow night, I will have one tired dog on my hands. And two ecstatic cats, drunk on the pleasure of two full days without a dog in the house.
For our lunch walk we went back over to the Olympic site again. What a difference some sunshine can make! I took a bunch of photos and posted them on flickr. For her part, Louise was only too happy to inspect the work going on and give words of encouragement to some of the construction workers.
I tell ya, this one never quits.
Great pictures! :)
You asked earlier how old Louise was and if we had her from a pup. To the best of our knowledge, she is about eight years old and she was about four or five when we adopted her from the SPCA. Louise was rescued and we just happened to be moving into a place that allowed dogs as pets and were looking to adopt. She has been a fantastic pet ever since.
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