Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Luck is just crap unless it's good

Waterfront Skytrain station
Originally uploaded by iTripped
We wanted to sign up for the car cooperative yesterday, and since I had Louise with me that meant a different route on the skytrain. That brought us to the Waterfront Station, and this is where I grabbed this photo.

Shortly after leaving the station, a rogue seagull flew by and happened to 'drop his load' on Louise, who was in the stroller. There are some who say that it is lucky to get hit by a bird's poop. Louise certainly didn't seem to notice and barely minded. It was a much larger concern for me as I discovered it when I went to give her a pat on the back. :(

By the end of the day we were pretty late getting home, so we decided to order some food. We got a roasted lamb dinner from Olympic on Denman - yes, the same one that the International Olympic Committee is giving such a hard time to over their name, despite the fact that they have been called that for 15 years or so. Anyway, as luck would have it, I was able to give Louise one of the lamb bones from our dinner, which is one of her favorite treats.


Pug(s) and Bugg said...

Louise! We love love love your blog! We wish we could get a stroller like you in this picture. We like your blog so much we added it to our list of other pug dog-blogs on our blog, I hope you like ours as much as we like yours!
-Sophie and Dixie ("Pug & Bugg")

Anonymous said...


chefkoch who forgot another password