Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Goofing around with Greg

Originally uploaded by gwilli
Yesterday was a lot of fun for Louise. She got to play with Greg and the others at the office, and on this day, Greg had a new video camera to play with. If you aren't a fan of the wiggly gifs that Greg does, then I do not suggest clicking on her photo to see the larger view.

Louise agreed to play with him so long as it did not interfere with her nap schedule.

In addition to wearing silly hats, Louise also was the test pilot for the new video camera. This thing is designed to be water proof, but we didn't get to test that yet. So we did the next best thing - we strapped the camera to her and filmed the office from her point of view. This video is kind of shaky, so clearly there is work to be done on the harness, but we found it entertaining to say the least. Greg cleaned it up a bit, gave it a sound track and now Louise stars in her own video! Hope you enjoy.


Sandy said...

Does Louise really move that fast? I love the last shot with her tongue touching her nose and that really cute grin.

Anonymous said...

Whoaw.. that was really fast.. thats very active dog..

Punchbugpug said...

Wow, I think I got dizzy over here! LOL...was she running?????